Dr.Haozhi Chen

South China University of Technology;
Sun Yat-Sen University;
Guangzhou Futures Exchangebr>(Research affiliate)

Research assistent
Guangzhou Financial Service Innovation and Risk Management Research Base

R&D Engineer
Dongguan Yong Hua Hao Information Technology Ltd.


Personal Website




School of Business Administration
381 Wushan Road, Guangzhou, China

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Haozhi Chen

Haozhi Chen, Ph.D. in Management Science and Engineering, graduated from South China University of Technology. under the supervision of Prof. Weiguo Zhang, winner of the National Distinguished Young Foundation. I graduated from the University of Melbourne as a postgraduate student and studied with Prof. Richard Sinnott in information technology. I am currently a researcher in the Research and Planning Department of Guangzhou Futures Exchange. I studied and worked with Prof. Guangxue Chen in the State Key Laboratory of Pulp and Paper at the South China University of Technology. I am also a researcher in the Greater Bay Area Digital Intelligence Finance and Risk Management Research Base and an R&D engineer at Dongguan Yonghua Hao Information Technology Co.

My research interests include financial complex systems, asset pricing, systemic financial risk, and machine learning applications.

My Graduate Supervisor: Richard Sinnot

My Ph.D Supervisor: Weiguo Zhang

My co-collaborator and supervisor: Guangxue Chen

Haozhi Chen

20023年2月25日 - 管理科学与工程学会2022年年会暨第二十届中国管理科学与工程论坛(Management Science and Engineering Society 2022 Annual Conference and 20th China Management Science and Engineering Forum),东北大学

Haozhi Chen2

2023年3月5日 - 易方达全国巡演-广州

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2023年6月15日 - 科技部重大项目“人工智能2030-”项目研讨(Seminar on “Artificial Intelligence 2030”, a major project of the Ministry of Science and Technology),中国科学院计算机网络中心

Haozhi Chen4

2023年7月5日 - 香港城市大学访问学者工作,粤港澳大湾区跨境融资金融风险度量及协同管理创新研究项目(Visiting Scholar Work at City University of Hong Kong (Research Project on Financial Risk Measurement and Collaborative Management Innovation in Cross-border Financing in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Greater Bay Area))-王军波教授邀请

Haozhi Chen5

2023年11月10-12日 - 第三届柔性光电材料与智能传感发展论坛(The 3rd Flexible Optoelectronic Materials and Intelligent Sensing Development Forum)

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2023年11月22日 - 澳门科技大学访问学者工作(粤港澳大湾区跨境融资金融风险度量及协同管理创新研究项目)(Visiting Scholar Work at the Macau University of Science and Technology (Research Project on Financial Risk Measurement and Collaborative Management Innovation in Cross-border Financing in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau Greater Bay Area))- 唐华军教授邀请

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2024年6月14日 - 第五届(2024)管理科学与工程学会金融与风险管理分会学术年会(The Fifth (2024) Annual Conference of the Finance and Risk Management Section of the Academy of Management Science and Engineering),深圳大学

Haozhi Chen7

2024年7月7日 - 第二十四期花城院士科技会议暨2024年人工智能、计算机与物联网学术会议(The 24th Huacheng Academician Science and Technology Conference and 2024 Academic Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Computer and Internet of Things),广州工业大学

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2024年8月9日 - 第三届量化金融与风险管理论坛(Third Forum on Quantitative Finance and Risk Management),首都经贸大学